it has to be, as I'm hoping to be in Springfield taking over baby duties this weekend, and there is NO typing with miss Aubrey on duty. All 4 grandparents gave the new parents a weekend off last weekend...we DO keep them BUSY!
I should be a pro by now, but this is what Molly Kate did Tuesday:
Yes, that is what is left of a 32" LCD television...Yes it was secured...yes it was IMPOSSIBLE to tumble down...we have to two-man struggle with it when it's time to clean under it. No she was not hurt badly, but hopefully hurt bad enough to TEACH HER!!...and yes, i am mortified, too!!
Miss Monkey Butt just WAITS for us to be inattentive...Heaven forbid we have to go to the bathroom!! This is the life of a child with special don't even chance a quick trip to the loo.
I was speaking to the rep from our "people" here regarding respite care, (she prob thinks im goofy) i thought it would be nice to have an occasional night out....but really NEEDED someone here to watch molly, so that i could accomplish things. Simple things...getting the house cleaned...taking a bath, mowing the lawn, things that the 'others' think of as mundane chores, i would RELISH having the chance to complete, just one time.
And through the worst of the worst (e.g. the television) we are still proud she has the ability and "problem-solving techniques" to figure out how to solve the impossible and achieve it! I just wish she would use her prowess to VERBALIZE....grrrrrrrrrrr
So, the TV disaster happened Tuesday at the end of my shift...the sarge calls and says..."pick up another TV on your way home"
????????????????? his calmness in these situations amaze me.
Wednesday at the end of my shift?? another phone call from him:
"pick up a new monitor for your computer"
JEEEEEEEEEEZ LAWEEEEZE...i am in LCD Hell this week!! can you say cha CHING???? Officially I have spent more at Walmart in Two Days, than i made in TWO WEEKS!! EEEK!!
Such a let down after such a wonderful weekend! We ran up to ST Louis to meet up with some moms...who all happened to be in the area at
the same time...they were there friday, and we came up Saturday and missed almost ALL of them!
All but Beck and Belly...and Karen and Mary from Chicago.
Us seasoned missourians stayed in the motel pool, and at a well treed park and had a BALL!! (july in St Louis is NOT the best month to venture outside for any length of time) The sarge even passed on seeing the Cards Play! now THAT'S HOT!
We didn't get as much 'mommy chat time' as i would have liked, but got to watch our same-aged girls play and interact. It is so nice to allow our kids to run and play among THEIR peers! And FYI to you typpies out there...our kids with DS are very unique individuals...if you know definitely do NOT know them all. They may have similar, beautifully almond shaped eyes....but it ends there! Our three girls were as different as colors in the rainbow, but nonetheless sparkled just as bright.
It's wonderful to chat with like-mommys too...we can talk about pull-ups to another mom of an 8 year old, whose jaw doesn't drop in SHOCK, but offers better solutions for the night time problems. It's soooooooo good to be among friends and peers.
If you've been hesitant about having an IRL meet with parents that you "know" online...don't. JUST DO IT! It's great to be among people that you don't have to explain anything to, they just know. The greatest thing i think i've discovered among my 'sisters' is that they are all similar in their love of human diversity...we should really be a PAC group, and start running this country...
My work week is now over It's abbreviated until Molly goes back to school-if you need to understand why..... refer to paragraph 1.
This morning Daddy left for an early morning meeting (or maybe i should say he ran screaming from his 3 day stint as single parent) and it's been fabulously quiet here. I LOVE BEING AT HOME!!
Molly slept in, and is now busying herself in the backyard. Shortly it will be way too hot for her to play out there, so we bypassed the prep (hair fixing-clothes donning..etc) and just let her run. I'm sure the lack of outside is most of the reason of her monkeying around where she shouldn't in the house! We'll swim shortly, have lunch, and THEN she'll be calm enough to scope on a movie, or painting, or books.
The new addition kitty has quickly made himself at home in our hearts..
He's playful, ornery,demanding, spirited, and FUNNY!! he takes up most of the camera room this week...the ONLY thing he has in common with the other the speed of his run when he hears Molly coming!! :-)
For our kids fighting cancer...Little Ben is fighting the worst of it right now, the proverbial "stripping" of everything cell his dna is prepare for the stem-cell's very painful. He remains postive, and my heart is breaking for his mommy....who can only sit back and watch the process happen. GOD!
and one of the adorable twins, who we thought was remission... just discovered active cancer cells in a chance spinal tap. GOD PLEASE!!
They are in Iowa City today, talking to doctors. There can be no more radiation, he's maxed out...and has already done the stem cell transplant.
Cancer has also stolen the life of Randy Pausch...the Carnegie-Mellon Professor who had the "Last Lecture" series (see youtube and get enlightened!) and also had Pancreatic Cancer.
Damn Cancer
There are too many moms mourning losses, and too many babies fighting the beast...please take time to pray, donate, and if you know a family dealing with this...offer,
ANYTHING....they need to know they are not alone. If you don't yet, you will.
And if you want to help ben and his family...visit them at
cp BenTheBrave
there is info in the "about me" section of his page of the church-family collecting the donations.
Kiss your kids, watch them like hawks...and hug them hard! Rejoice in every second you have with them....and honor them and their health, by reaching out to those that aren't as fortunuate as us.
Holy cow on the TV. Glad she wasn't hurt.
whoa-bad week for the 'screens' in your house. So thankful Miss Molly wasn't hurt....thought I'd check in since I hadn't seen an email from you for a bit....sounds like life is keeping you busy. give your sweetie a hug from us :)
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